Ana I. Dogliotti

Investigadora Independiente

líneas de investigación

  • Sensoramiento Remoto del color del mar
  • Oceanografía satelital
  • Propiedades ópticas en estuarios
  • Corrección atmosférica


  • A new hyperspectral radiometer integrated in automated networks of water and land bidirectional reflectance measurements for satellite validation (HYPERNETS). Project funded by the European Commission. H2020-SC5-2016-2017. 2018-2021. International partner: Dra. Dogliotti (Argentina)
  • Hyperspectral and multi-mission high resolution optical remote sensing of aquatic environments (HYPERMAQ). International Partner. Funded by the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO). 2017-2020. PI: Dr. K. Ruddick.
  • Estudos sobre ótica e sensoriamento remoto de águas costeiras para a implementação do módulo de Sensoriamento Remoto do SiMCosta (UNIVERSAL). Funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). 2017-2020. International collaborator: Dra. Dogliotti (Argentina)
  • Calibración y validación de algoritmos y productos satelitales en el Río de la Plata. Financed by the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT). PICT 2014-0455 (2015-2018). PI. Dra. Dogliotti.
Otros Proyectos...


  • Sent, G., Biguino, B., Favareto, L., Cruz, J., Sá, C., Dogliotti, A. I., Palma, C., Brotas, V., Brito, A. C. (2021) Deriving water quality parameters using Sentinel-2 imagery: A case study in the Sado estuary, Portugal. Remote Sens., 13, 1043. rs13051043
  • Gossn, J.I., Frouin, R., Dogliotti, A. I. (2021). Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Optical Imagery over the Río de la Plata Highly Turbid Waters Using a SWIR-Based Principal Component Decomposition Technique. Remote Sens., 13(6), 1050; rs13061050.
  • Delgado, A. L., Pratolongo, P. D., Dogliotti, A. I., Celleri, C., Garzón Cardona, J. E.,  and  Martínez, A. (2021). Evaluation of MODIS-Aqua and OLCI Chlorophyll-a products in contrasted waters of Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Ocean and Coastal Research 2021, v69:e210003.
  • Camiolo, M. D., Cozzolino, E., Dogliotti, A. I., Simionato, C. G., Lasta, C. A. An empirical remote sensing algorithm for retrieving total suspended matter in a large estuarine region. Scientia Marina 83(1): 000-000.
  • Gossn, J.I., Ruddick, K.G., Dogliotti, A.I. (2019). Atmospheric Correction of OLCI Imagery Over Extremely Turbid Waters Based on Red, NIR and 1016nm Bands and a New Baseline Residual Technique. Remote Sensing, 11, 220: 1-24, doi:10.3390/rs11030220
  • Delgado, A. L., Guinder, V. A., Dogliotti, A. I., Zapperi, G., and Pratolongo, P. D. (2019). Validation of MODIS-Aqua bio-optical algorithms for phytoplankton absorption coefficient measurement in optically complex waters of El Rincón (Argentina). Continental Shelf Research 173 (2019) 73–86.
  • Williams, G.N., P. Larouche, A.I. Dogliotti, and M.P. Latorre. (2018) Light absorption by phytoplankton, non-algal particles, and dissolved organic matter in San Jorge Gulf in summer. Oceanography 31(4):40–49,
  • Knaeps, E., Doxaran, D., Dogliotti, A., Nechad, B., Ruddick, K., Raymaekers, D., and Sterckx, S. (2018). The SeaSWIR dataset, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10, 1439-1449, 10.5194/essd-10-1439-2018.
  • Dogliotti, A. I., Gossn, J.I., Vanhellemont, Q., Ruddick, K. (2018). Detecting and quantifying a massive invasion of floating aquatic plants in the Río de la Plata turbid waters using high spatial resolution ocean color imagery. Remote Sensing, 1140, 2-15. doi:10.3390/ rs10071140.
  • Gossn, J.I.,  Ruddick, K., Dogliotti, A. I. (2017). Atmospheric correction of OLCI imagery over very turbid waters based on the RED/NIR/SWIR bands. XVII Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC), Mar del Plata, 2017, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.23919/ RPIC.2017.8214356.
  • Dogliotti, A. I., Ruddick, K., Guerrero, R. (2016). Seasonal and inter-annual turbidity variability in the Río de la Plata from 15 years of MODIS: El Niño dilution effect. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 182: 27-39.
  • Andreo, V. C., Dogliotti, A. I., Tauro, C. B. Remote sensing of phytoplankton blooms in the Continental Shelf and shelf-break of Argentina: spatio-temporal changes and phenology. Special Issue of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS) ”Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing in Latin America” (DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2585142).
  • Lutz V., Frouin R., Negri R., Silva R., Dogliotti A., Pompeu M., Martinez G. Bio-optical characteristics along the Strait of Magallanes. (2016). Continental Shelf Research, 119, 56–67.
  • Doxaran, D., Leymarie, E., Nechad, B., Dogliotti, A., Ruddick, K., Gernez, P. and Knaeps. (2016). E. Improved correction methods for field measurements of particulate light backscattering in turbid waters. Optics Express, Vol. 24, No. 4, 3615-3637.
  • Knaeps, E., Ruddick, K.G., Doxaran, D., Dogliotti, A.I., Nechad, B., Raymaekers, D., and Sterckx, S. (2015). A SWIR based algorithm to retrieve Total Suspended Matter in extremely turbid waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 168: 66-79. doi: 10.1016/ j.rse.2015.06.022
  • Dogliotti, A. I., Ruddick, K. G., Nechad, B., Doxaran, D., Knaeps, E. (2015). A single algorithm to retrieve turbidity from remotely-sensed data in all coastal and estuarine waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 157–168, j.rse.2014.09.020.
  • Dogliotti, A.I., Lutz, V.A., and Segura, V. (2014). Estimation of primary production in the southern Argentine continental shelf and shelf-break regions using field and remote sensing data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 140: 497-508.
  • Segura, V., Lutz, V.A., Dogliotti, A. I., Silva, R., Negri, R., Akselman, R. and Benavides, H. (2013). Phytoplankton Functional Types and primary production in the Argentine Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 491: 15–31. doi: 10.3354/meps10461.
  • Ferreira, A., Garcia, C.A.E., Dogliotti, A.I., and Tavano, V.M. (2013). Bio-optical characteristics of the Patagonia shelf break waters: Implications for ocean color algorithms. Remote Sensing of Environment, 136, 416–432.
  • Williams, G. N., Dogliotti A. I.,Zaidman, P., Solis, M., Narvarte, M. A., González, R. C., Esteves, J. L., and Gagliardini, D. A. (2013). Assessment of remotely-sensed sea-surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration in San Matías Gulf (Patagonia, Argentina). Continental Shelf Research, 52, 159–171. DOI: 10.1016/ j.csr.2012.08.014.
  • Knaeps, E., Dogliotti, A. I., Raymaekers, D., Ruddick, K., and Sterckx, S. (2012). In-situ evidence of non-zero reflectance in the OLCI 1020 nm band for a turbid estuary. Remote Sensing of the Environment, 120, 133-144. DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2011.07.025.
  • Dogliotti A I., K Ruddick, B Nechad, C Lasta, A Mercado, C Hozbor, R Guerrero, G Riviello López & M Abelando (2011). Calibration and validation of an algorithm for remote sensing of turbidity over La Plata River estuary, Argentina. EARSeL eProceedings, 10(2): 119-130.
  • Cortes F., Jaureguizar A.J., Guerrero R.A., and Dogliotti A. I. (2011) Influence of estuarine and continental shelf water advection on the apron ray, Discopyge tschuddi, coastal movements in Southwest Atlantic. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27, 1278-1285, doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2011.01821.x.
  • Garcia, C. A. E., V. M. T. Garcia, A. I. Dogliotti, A. Ferreira, S. I. Romero, A. Maninno, M. S. Souza, and M. M. Mata (2011). Environmental Conditions and Bio-optical Signature of a Coccolithophorids Bloom in the Patagonian Shelf. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C03025, doi: 10.1029/2010JC006595.
  • Copello, S., Dogliotti, A. I., Gagliardini, D. A., and Q. Flavio. (2011) Oceanographic and biological landscapes used by the Southern Giant Petrel during the breeding season at the Patagonian Shelf. Marine Biology. 1-11. doi:10.1007/s00227-011-1645-3.
  • Lutz, V.A., Segura, V., Dogliotti, A.I., Gagliardini, D. A., Bianchi, A. A., and Balestrini, C. F. (2010). Primary Production in the Argentine Sea during Spring Estimated by Field and Satellite Models. Journal of Plankton Research, 32, 2: 181-195. doi:10.1093/plankt/ fbp117.
  • Dogliotti, A.I., Schloss, I.R., Almandoz, G.O. and D.A. Gagliardini. (2009). Evaluation of SeaWiFS and MODIS chlorophyll-a products in the Argentinean Patagonian Continental Shelf (38ºS-55ºS). International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30, 1: 251-273. doi: 10.1080/01431160802311133.
  • Almandoz G.O., Ferreyra G.A., Schloss I.R., Dogliotti A.I., Rupolo, V., Paparazzo F., Esteves J., and M. Ferrario. (2008). Distribution and ecology of Pseudo-nitzschia species (Bacillariophyceae) in surface waters of the Weddell Sea (Antarctica). Polar Biology, 31: 429-442. DOI:10.1007/s00300-007-0369-9.
  • Rivas, A. L., Dogliotti, A.I. and D.A. Gagliardini. (2006). Seasonal variability in satellite-measured surface chlorophyll in the Patagonian Shelf, Continental Shelf Research, 26: 703-720. DOI:10.1016/j.csr.2006.01.013.
  • Gagliardini, D.A., Aliotta, S. and A.I. Dogliotti. (2005). Identification of bed forms through ERS-SAR images – San Matías Gulf, Argentina, Journal of Coastal Research, 21, 1: 193-201.
  • Gagliardini, D.A., Dogliotti, A.I., Karszenbaum, H. and F. Grings. (2004). Comparison of bathymetric features detected by ERS-2 SAR and Landsat TM data over San Matías Gulf, Argentina. Gayana, 68, 2: 201-208. ISSN 0717-6538.
  • Penchaszadeh, P.E., Darrigran, G., Angulo, C., Averbuj, A., Brogger, M., Dogliotti, A.I. and N. Pirez. (2000). Predation of the invasive freshwater mussel Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Mytilidae) by the fish Leporinus obtusidens Valenciennes, 1846 (Anostomidae) in the Río de la Plata, Argentina, Journal of Shellfish Research, 19, 1: 229-231.

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tel: +54 11 5285-7873


dirección postal: Int. Guiraldes S/N - Ciudad Universitaria - CABA


Doctora Ciencias Biológicas (2007). Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Tesis: Estimación de la biomasa fitoplanctónica mediante el sensoramiento remoto del color del mar y datos de campo en la Plataforma Continental Patagónica.

Licenciada en Ciencias Biológicas (1999) Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Curriculum Vitae dowload