Anne Lemière (

La Dra. Anne Lemière es investigadora permanente en el Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, Francia) desde 2008. En el Astroparticle and Cosmology Laboratory (París) forma parte del grupo de investigación High Energy Astronomy (liderado por Lemière en el período 2015 - 2021). También es miembro de la colaboración High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.). Desde agosto de 2021, es investigadora visitante en el Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio (IAFE, UBA-CONICET). Sus investigaciones se centran en el estudio de fenómenos galácticos de alta energía, incluyendo el estudio de remanentes de supernova, pulsares, nebulosas de viento de pulsares y la región del centro galáctico.

The Galactic center region at very high energies

The Galactic Center (GC) has been a prime target region for the Very High Energy (VHE) domain since it harbors our closest supermassive black hole SgrA*, as well as a large amount of molecular matter, star forming regions and high energy sources like pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) and supernova remnants (SNRs). Due to its location in the south hemisphere, the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) array has a privileged position to monitor the central parts of our Galaxy and has accumulated more than 250 hrs of data on it since 2003. These observations have shown that the emission is dominated by the contribution of the point source HESS J1745-2901, located at less than 7” from Sgr A* but for which any firm association has been given yet, and HESS J1747-281 associated with the composite supernova remnant G0.9+0.1. Additionally a hard diffuse emission extending over 1° along the Galactic Plane was discovered and interpreted as the result of a local overabundance of cosmic-rays interacting with the dense matter distribution of the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ). I will review our current knowledge on the origin of these emissions and show how new techniques based on spectro-morphological maximum likelihood analysis implemented within the gammapy software allow to obtain more precise constraints on each component of the signal which is critical to unveil their origin.