Jürgen Scheer

Born December 3, 1946
Dipl. Phys., Bonn University, 1975 (Atomic XUV spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation)
PhD in Physics, Wuppertal University, 1980
(Rocket measurements of upper atmosphere far infrared emissions)
Investigador contratado, PRONARP-CONICET, since 1981
Investigador Independiente (contratado), IAFE, CONICET, since Oct 2005
Present research interests: Optical Aeronomy, Aeronomy
Hobbies: (air-cooled) computing, (SCUBA) diving, mining (litho/atmosphere),
            (air-filled) boating, saxophone (ts) blowing - "the air, the air is everywhere"!
Favorite moon crater: Lambert
IAFE - Buenos Aires - Argentina
E-mail: jurgen@iafe.uba.ar
Family photo, El Leoncito, 1999 (CASLEO)

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